Teacher Apprehension Test

This is a measure of apprehension students have with a given teacher. Expected reliability is around .90.

Directions: This form is composed of statements students have used to describe how they feel about receiving communication from their teacher after each statement, indicate the number that best describes how you generally feel about receiving communication from your teacher. There are no right or wrong answers. Work quickly and circle your first impression. Please indicate the degree to which each statement applies to you by marking whether you:

Strongly Disagree = 1; Disagree = 2; Neutral = 3; Agree = 4; Strongly Agree = 5

_____1. I feel uncomfortable receiving communication from my teacher.

_____2. I feel disturbed when my teacher communicates with me.

_____3. I have no fear when my teacher communicates with me.

_____4. I am comfortable when my teacher communicates with me.

_____5. I feel uneasy when my teacher talks to me.

_____6. I feel relaxed when listening to my teacher.

_____7. I feel fearful when my teacher talks.

_____8. I feel ruffled when my teacher talks to me.

_____9. I am jumpy when my teacher talks.

_____10. I feel composed when listening to my teacher.

_____11. I am bothered when my teacher talks.

_____12. I feel satisfied when my teacher is talking and teaching.

_____13. I feel safe when my teacher communicates.

_____14. I feel nervous when listening to my teacher.

_____15. I am cheerful when my teacher is talking.

_____16. I feel happy when my teacher is communicating ideas to the class.

_____17. I feel dejected or hurt when my teacher is communicating.

_____18. I feel pleasure when my teacher talks to me.

_____19. I don't feel good when my instructor is teaching a lesson to us.

_____20. I feel happy when he or she is talking to us.

SCORING: To compute your scores, add your scores for each item as indicated below:

Recode BOLDED questions with the following format:

1 = 5

2 = 4

3 = 3

4 = 2

5 = 1

Step 1. Add scores for all of the bolded items.

Step 2. Add scores for all UNBOLDED items.

Total Score = 60 minus Total 1 + Total 2

Score should be between 20 and 100. Scores of 80 and above indicate high teacher apprehension; Scores of 25 and below indicate low teacher apprehension; Scores between 26 and 79 indicate moderate teacher apprehension.


Richmond, V. P., Wrench, J. S., & Gorham, J. (2001). Communication, affect, and learning in the classroom. Acton, MA: Tapestry Press.