Appearances as chair, critic, debater, or discussant not included

A. International Communication Association
1. "Effects of Evidence in Persuasive Communication," 1968.
2. "The Effects of Evidence as an Inhibitor of Counter-Persuasion," 1970.
3. "The Development of an Instrument for Measuring Intermediate Interaction Behavior in Small Group Communication," 1971.
4. "The Effects of Message Sidedness and Evidence on Inoculation Against Counter-persuasion in Small Group Communication," 1972.
5. "Measurement of the Credibility of Spouses and Peers," 1973.
6. "Toward the Measurement of Perceived Homophily in Interpersonal Communication," 1974.
7. "The Use and Abuse of Factor Analysis in Communication Research," 1975.
8. "The Effects of Quality of Evidence on Attitude Change and Source Perception," 1975.
9. "The Generalizability of a Measure of Perceived Homophily in Interpersonal Communication," 1975.
10. "Seating Position and Participation: An Alternative Theoretical Explanation," 1976.
11. "The Relationship Between Communication Apprehension and Academic Achievement Among College Students," 1976.
12. "The Development of a Self-Report Measure of Communication Apprehension in Organizational Settings," 1976.
13. "Homophily-Heterophily and the Prediction of Supervisor Satisfaction," 1976.
14. "Communication Apprehension, Social Preferences, and Social Behavior in a College Environment," 1977.
15. "Job Satisfaction as a Function of Communication Apprehension, Self-Esteem, and Perceptions of Their Immediate Supervisors," 1977.
16. "Oral Communication Apprehension: A Summary of Recent Theory and Research," 1977.
17. "The Impact of the Televised 1976 Presidential/Vice- Presidential Debates on Voters in a Swing State," 1978.
18. "Classroom Seating Arrangements: Instructional Communication Theory versus Student Preferences," 1978.
19. "Teacher Communication Orientations and the Development of Communication Apprehension Among Elementary School Children: A Modeling Explanation," 1979.
20. "Management Communication Style, Tolerance for Disagreement and Innovativeness as Predictors of Employee Satisfaction: A Comparison of Single-Factor, Two-Factor, and Multiple-Factor Approaches," 1979.
21. "Management Communication Style and Employee Satisfaction: Replication and Extension," 1980.
22. "The Relationship Among Communication Style, Trait and State Communication Apprehension, and Teacher Effectiveness," 1980.
23. "Communication Apprehension and Shyness: Validation of Two Constructs and Measures," 1981.
24. "Communication Competence and Performance: A Research and Pedagogical Perspective," 1981.
25. "Assumptions about Instructional Communication," 1982.
26. "The Etiology and Effects of Communication Apprehension Cross-Cultural Implications," 1983.
27. "Power in the Classroom II: Power and Learning," 1983.
28. "A Study of Communication Apprehension in Pharmacy Students in 51 Colleges and Universities," 1983.
29. "Validity in Communication Research," 1984.
30. "Power in the Classroom IV: Teacher Communication Techniques as Alternatives to Discipline," 1984.
31. "Communication Apprehension in Puerto Rico and the United States I: Initial Comparisons," 1984.
32. "The PRCA as a Summary of Previous Communication State Anxiety Experiences," 1984.
33. "Power Strategies in the Organization: Supervisor and Subordinate Communication Techniques and Messages," 1984.
34. "Power in the Classroom VI: Verbal Control Strategies, Nonverbal Immediacy, and Affective Learning," 1985.
35. "The Personal Report of Communication Apprehension and the Interpersonal Attraction Scale," 1985.
36. "Don't Speak to Me in English: Communication Apprehension in Puerto Rico," 1985.
37. "The Relationships of Perceived Supervisor Use of Behavior Alteration Techniques and Affinity-Seeking Strategies with Subordinate Satisfaction in Diverse Areas of Employment," 1985.
38. "A Trait Perspective on Communication Competence," 1985.
39. "The Relationship Between Selected Immediacy Behaviors and Cognitive Learning," 1986.
40. "Predictors of Willingness to Communicate: Implications for Screening and Remediation," 1986.
41. "The Influence of Communication Apprehension on the Hospital Course of Psychiatric Inpatients," 1986.
42. "Correlates of Self-Perceived Communication Competence," 1987.
43. "Correlates of Quietness: Swedish and American Perspectives," 1988.
44. "Applying Communication Research to Instructional and Organizational Settings," 1994.
45. "The Relationship Between Nonverbal Immediacy and Cognitive and Affective Learning," 1995.
46. "The Relationship Between Nonverbal Immediacy and Teacher Evaluation: A Multi-Cultural Analysis," 1995.
47. "Verbal Aggressiveness as Temperamental Expression", 1997.
48. "The Development of Intercultural and Interethnic Communication Apprehension Scales", 1997.
49. "The Implications of Communibiology for Organizational Communication Theory," 1999.
50. "The Impact of Supervisor and Subordinate Immediacy on Relational and Organizational Outcomes," 1999.
51. "The Influence of Ethnocentrism on Perceptions of Interviewee Attractiveness, Credibility, and Socio-Communicative Style," 2001.
52. "Temperament and Teacher Credibility," 20003.
53. "Organizational Orientations Theory and Measurement: Development of Measures and Preliminary Investigations," 2003.
54. "Measuring the Effects of Intercultural Communication Instruction," 2003.
55. "Mediated Interactions: A Desirable Alternative for High Communication Apprehensives," 2004.
B. National Communication Association (formerly Speech Association of America and Speech Communication Association)
1. "Ethics in Debate," 1963.
2. "Oral Communication Training Programs in American Labor Unions," 1966.
3. "The Effects of Systematic Desensitization on Speech and Test Anxiety," 1968.
4. "The Effect of Various Methods of Employing Video-Taped Television Playback in Public Speaking," 1969.
5. "Implications of Recent Research in Communication Theory for Speech Communication Education," 1970.
6. "A Comparison of the Effects of Punishment Oriented and Reward Oriented Messages in Persuasive Communication," 1970.
7. "The Effects of Selected Syntactical Choices on Source Credibility, Attitude, Behavior, and Perception of Messages," 1971.
8. "Research in Persuasion and Attitude Change," 1971.
9. "Generalizability of Source Credibility Scales for Public Figures," 1972.
10. "The Prediction of Interaction Behavior in Small Groups," 1973.
11. "The Relationships Between Vocal Activity and Perception of Communicators in Small Group Interaction," 1974.
12. "The Effects of Quality of Evidence on Attitude Change and Source Perception," 1974.
13. "The Validity of the PRCA as a Measure of Oral Communication Apprehension," 1975.
14. "Classroom Consequences of Communication Apprehension," 1975.
15. "Self-Credibility as an Index of Self-Esteem," 1975.
16. "The Effects of Communication Apprehension on Interpersonal Attraction," 1975.
17. "Public Relations for Departments: The Role of Extension Education," 1977.
18. "Strategies for Helping the Communication Administrator Cope with Problems of Departmental Identity and Visibility," 1981.
19. "Curriculum Accreditation in Speech Communication," 1982.
20. "The Communication Apprehension Approach," 1982.
21. "The Use of Systematic Desensitization and Classroom Instruction to Reduce Communication Apprehension in Pharmacy Students," 1982.
22. "Grading Experiential Learning," 1982.
23. "A Case for Rating Graduate Programs in Speech Communication," 1982.
24. "Power in the Classroom III: Teacher Communication Techniques and Messages," 1983.
25. "Communication Apprehension: A Review of Research," 1983.
26. "Communication Apprehension and Assertiveness: A Test of Cross-Situational Consistency," 1984.
27. "The Impact of Communication Apprehension and Shyness on Student Retention and Success," 1984.
28. "Communication Apprehension and Shyness," 1984.
29. "Power in the Classroom IV: Behavior Alteration Techniques, Communication Training, and Learning," 1984.
30. "The Affinity-Seeking of Classroom Teachers," 1985.
31. "Power in the Classroom VII: Teacher Quality, Cognitive Learning, and Behavior Alteration Techniques," 1985.
32. "Willingness to Communicate: The Construct and Its Measurement," 1985.
33. "Apprehension About Communicating with Supervisors: A Test of a Theoretical Relationship Between Types of Communication Apprehension," 1985.
34. "Willingness to Communicate: A Confounding Variable in Communication Research," 1986.
35. "Teacher Immediacy Training and Student Affect," 1986.
36. "Communication Competence and Willingness to Communicate," 1986.
37. "The WTC Scale as a Predictor of Classroom Interaction," 1987.
38. "The Impact of Communication Apprehension on College Student Retention and Success," 1988.
39. "Willingness To Communicate: A Cross-Cultural Investigation," 1988.
40. "Measuring Trait Communication Apprehension: A Test of Rival Measurement Models of the PRCA-24," 1989.
41. "The Impact of Communication Apprehension on Freshman Success and Survival," 1989.
42. "Teaching as a Communication Activity," 1990.
43. "A Conversation with James C. McCroskey: The Twentieth Anniversary of Communication Apprehension Research," 1990.
44. "A Critical View of Communication Across the Curriculum," 1991
45. "Ethical Considerations for Communication Apprehension Treatment," 1992.
46. "At-Risk Students: The Role of Communication Apprehension and Communication Competence," 1992.
47. "Compulsive over-communication: The dark side of low communication apprehension," 1993.
48. "Assessment of affect toward communication and affect toward instruction in communication," 1994 (Summer conference).
49. "Correlates of compulsive communication: Quantitative and qualitative characteristics," 1994.
50. "A Cross-Cultural Study of Teacher Nonverbal Immediacy and Student Learning," 1995.
51. "Communication and decision making styles, power base usage, and satisfaction in marital dyads," 1996.
52. "The future of communication education: Communication as a content discipline," 1996.
53. "The curriculum of the future," 1996.
54. "The relationship of perceived caring with student learning and teacher evaluation," 1996.
55. "Culture, communication apprehension, and general education assessment," 1996.
56. "Spotlight on our distinguished intellectual traditions: Franklin Knower," 1996.
57. "The importance of intercultural study for the advancement of research and theory in communication apprehension and avoidance," 1996.
58. "An exploratory investigation of teacher misbehaviors in relationship to teacher characteristics and student impressions of liking," 1996.
59. "Why we communicate the ways that we do: A communibiological perspective", annual Carroll C. Arnold address, 1997.
60. "Parental influences in the socialization of communication Predispositions", 1997.
61. "The impact of teacher immediacy and misbehaviors on teacher credibility", 1997.
62. "Implementing entrepreneurial graduate programs", 1997.
63. "Goodwill: A re-examination of the construct and its measurement", 1997.
64. "Teacher behaviors in the college classroom: A look at immediacy, verbal aggression, homophily, and interpersonal attraction," 1998.
65. "Parental influences in the socialization of verbal and nonverbal communication predispositions," 1998.
66. "The foundations of ethnocentrism: A communibiological analysis," 1998.
67. "Advancing department objectives employing an entrepreneurial model," 1998.
68. "Ethnocentrism and student perceptions of teacher communication," 1999.
69. "Immediacy in the classroom: Effects of student behaviors," 1999.
70. "Applying instructional development research toward the development of coherent theory for the field," 2000.
71. "Testing the communibiological model of communication apprehension as temperamental expression: Intra-cultural replications and a cross-cultural comparison," 2000.
72. "Ethnocentrism and trait communication apprehension as predictors of inter-ethnic communication apprehension and use of relational maintenance strategies in inter-ethnic communication," 2000.
73. "An investigation of teachers' temperament, students' perceptions of teachers' communication behavior, and student' attitudes toward teachers," 2001.
74. "Communicating using humor and exhilaratability: A communibiological perspective," 2001.
75. "Associations between temperament and communication traits: A quantitative examination of communibiological relationships," 2001.
76. "Factor analysis of 114 teacher misbehavior items," 2001.
77. "Relationships of SPCC and CA with WTC: A comparison with first and second languages in Micronesia," 2002.
78. "The effect of teacher temperament on student perceptions of teacher credibility," 2002.
79. "Development of the nonverbal immediacy scale (NIS): Measures of self- and other-perceived nonverbal immediacy," 2003.
80. "Biology meets communication," 2003.
81. "Theoretical contributions from educational psychology," 2003.
82. "Moving forward/looking back," 2004.
83. "Applying organizational orientations theory to employees of profit and non-profit organizations," 2004.
84. "Testing a general theory of instructional communication," 2004.
85. "Communication apprehension in a first language and self-perceived competence as predictors of communication apprehension in a second language," 2005.
86. "The health of instructional communication doctoral education," 2005.
87. "Teacher instructional communication," 2005.
88. "Credibility as a predictor of patients' satisfaction with their medical care and physician," 2005.
89. "Communication correlates of perceived Machiavellianism of supervisors: Communication orientations and outcomes," 2005.
C. Western Speech Communication Association
1. "Research Directions for the 1970's: Source and Message Variables," 1970.
2. The Dimensions of Source Credibility for Spouses and Peers," 1971.
3. "Source Valence: An Improved Conceptualization," 1972.
4. "Measurement of the Credibility of Organization Sources," 1972.
5. "The Measurement of Interpersonal Attraction," 1972.
6. "Measurement of the Credibility of Mass Media Sources," 1973.
7. "The Selection of Female Opinion Leaders: 30 Years After Decatur," 1974.
8. The Effect of Interaction Behavior on Source Credibility, Homophily, and Interpersonal Attraction in Human Communication," 1974.
9. "The Effects of Communication Apprehension on the Perception of Peers," 1975.
10. "Personality Correlates on Communication Apprehension," 1975.
11. "The Relationships Among Self-Disclosure, Disclosiveness, and Communication Apprehension," 1976.
12. "Communication Apprehension as a Predictor of Self-Disclosure," 1976.
13. "Teachers' Expectations of the Communication Apprehensive Child in the Elementary School," 1976.
14. "A Simulation Methodology for Proxemic Research," 1977.
15. "An Analysis of the Effects of the 1976 Presidential/Vice Presidential Debates," 1977.
16. "Tolerance for Disagreement: Interpersonal Conflict Reconceptualized," 1979.
17. "Ethos and Credibility: The Construct and Its Measurement After Three Decades," 1979.
18. "The Role of the External Consultant in Organizational Change," 1981.
19. "A Conference on Research and Development," 1982.
20. "Cross-Situational Consistency of the PRCA: Another View," 1983.
21. "The Content Validity of the PRCA-24 as a Measure of Communication Apprehension across Communication Contexts," 1985.
22. "Correlates of Willingness to Communicate," 1986.
23. "Are You Certain You Want To Be a Chair?" 1987.
24. "Willingness To Communicate," 1988.
25. "Publishing in the Communication Field," 1990.
26. "Immediacy and Instruction: Intercultural Studies," 1991.
27. "Communication Apprehension as Temperamental Expression: Toward the Development of a Communibiological Theory of Communication Inhibition", 1997.
28. "Reciprocity and Accommodation in Supervisor-Subordinate Communication," 2000.
29. "The bases of effective teaching: A communibiological examination of teacher temperament and teacher communication behaviors," 2002.
30. "A preliminary test of a theory of instructional communication," 2004.
D. Eastern Communication Association
1. "Studies of the Effect of the Source in Communication," 1967.
2. "Applications of Behavioral Research to Classroom Teaching," 1968.
3. "The Effects of Communication Apprehension on Nonverbal Behavior," 1975.
4. "Communication Apprehension, Supervisor Communication, Receptivity, and Satisfaction with Supervision," 1976.
5. "Oral Communication Apprehension as a Function of Family Size: A Preliminary Investigation," 1977.
6. "Interpersonal Space Preference as a Function of Sex and Communication Apprehension," 1977.
7. "Communication Apprehension and Marital Relationships of College Graduates," 1977.
8. "Community Size as a Predictor of Development of Communication Apprehension: Replication and Extension," 1978.
9. "The Cause(s) of Oral Communication Apprehension: The Failure of a Theory," 1978.
10. "Ethos and Credibility: The Construct and Its Measurement After Three Decades," 1979.
11. "Definitions and Explanations of Criterion Referenced Instruction," 1979.
12. "The Reliability and Validity of Scales for the Measurement of Interpersonal Attraction," 1979.
13. "Overview of the Communication Apprehension Problem," 1980.
14. "Perceived Power as a Mediator of Management Communication Style and Employee Satisfaction," 1980.
15. "Biological Sex and Communication Apprehension," 1981.
16. "The Relationships Between Assertiveness and Communication Apprehension," 1981.
17. "Individual Differences Among Employees, Management Communi- cation Style and Employee Satisfaction: Replication and Extension," 1981.
18. "Who is the Human We Measure with Numbers: A Confrontation with a Metaphor," 1982.
19. "Power in the Classroom I: Teacher and Student Perceptions," 1982.
20. "Computers and the Future: All We Have to Fear is Fear Itself," 1984.
21. "Future Directions in Interpersonal Communication," 1984
22. "Immediacy of Pharmacy Students in 52 Colleges of Pharmacy in the United States," 1984.
23. "Nonverbal Immediacy of Doctors of Chiropractic and Chiropractic Assistants in the United State,s" 1984.
24. "Nonverbal Immediacy of Marital Partners," 1984.
25. "Nonverbal Immediacy of Teachers in Classroom Environments," 1984.
26. "Communication Apprehension Among Pharmacy Students in the United States," 1984.
27. "Communication Characteristics of Doctors of Chiropractic and Chiropractic Assistants in the United States," 1984.
28. "The Relationship Between Communication Apprehension and Income in the Health Professions," 1984.
29. "Communication Apprehension and Affinity-Seeking in Superior-Subordinate Relationships," 1985.
30. "Research Issues in Communication Quarterly, 1982-85," 1986.
31. "Communication Apprehension, Communication Competence, and Willingness to Communicate," 1986.
32. "Worst Paper: How To Learn From Your Own Mistakes," 1987.
33. "Mediated Communication and the Future From An Interpersonal Perspective," 1987.
34. "Communication Training for In-service Teachers," 1988.
35. "The Affinity-Seeking of Classroom Teachers," 1988.
36. "Assessing Dysfunctional Communication Utilizing Normative Methodologies," 1988.
37. "The Role of Journal Research in Communication Classrooms," 1989.
38. "The Affect-Gaining Approach to Immediacy," 1990.
39. "The 25th Anniversary of the Great Feud on Speech Anxiety: A Time for Peace," 1990.
40. "The Role of Immediacy in the Large Lecture Class," 1992.
41. "The Role of the Professional Association In An Era of Social Change," 1992.
42. "Teaching Teachers How to Teach: An Overview," 1993.
43. "The First Hundred Years Are the Hardest: The Late '70s," 1993.
44. "The Brain Is the Primary Organ of Communication: Approaches to Teaching Interpersonal Communication," 1993.
45. "ECA in the late 1970s: An historical perspective," 1994.
46. "Improving Teacher Evaluation Through Nonverbal Immediacy," 1995.
47. "Directions in Scholarship: What Leading Publishing Scholars Are Doing Now," 1995.
48. "How to Get Published," 1995.
49. "Student Trust of Teacher as a Function of Socio-Communicative Stype of Teacher and Socio-Communicative Orientation of Student," 1996.
50. "From the Classroom to Print: Taking Instructional Ideas to Print", 1997.
51. "State of the Art:Source Credibility", 1997.
52. "Teacher Nonimmediacy and Misbehavior: Unintentional Negative Communication", 1997.
53. "Coordinating the Communication and Teaching Styles of Instructors in the Team Teaching Assignment", 1997.
54. "Measuring Tolerance for Disagreement", 1998.
55. "Testing Theorectical Relationships and Non-relationships of Genetically-based predictors", 1998.
56. "Communication Theory and Research: Communibiology in the Future", 1998.
57. "Using CA interventions in the academic seting," 1998.
58. "The development of the Teacher Clarity Short Inventory (TCSI) to measure clear teaching in the classroom," 1999.
59. "The relationship between teacher clarity and immediacy and student state receiver apprehension, affective and cognitive learning," 1999.
60. "The nature of the communibiology paradigm and implications for research, 1999.
61. "The impact of communication apprehension and fear of talking with a physician on perceived medical outcomes," 1999.
62. "Trait levels of ethnocentrism and student perceptions of teacher communication," 1999.
63. "The relationships among immediacy, perceptions of supervisors, and satisfaction with supervisor and job," 1999.
64. "Developing the doctoral level cours in cimmunication and personality," 1999.
65. "Nonverbal immediacy in the physician/patient relationship," 2000.
66. "Cross-cultural comparison of ethnocentrism among Japanese and Us college students," 2000.
67. "The relationship between students' reports of learning and their actual recall of lecture material: A validity test," 2000.
68. "Humor and exhilaratability: A communibiological perspective, 2001.
69. "The association of physician socio-communicative style with physician credibility and patient satisfaction," 2002.
70. "A communibiological explanation of ethnocentrism and homophobia," 2002.
71. "An examination of the impact of perceived communication apprehension, shyness, and verbal aggression on perceptions of source credibility and liking in the organizational and interpersonal contexts," 2002.
72. "Spotlight on scholarship: A conversation with James C. McCroskey," 2002.
73. "Organizational orientations and organizational communication: Measurement development and preliminary validity tests, 2003.
74. "Teacher temperament and student learning," 2003.
75. "Temperament and brain systems as predictors of assertive communication," 2003.
76. "Nonverbal communication in physician-patient communication," 2004.
77. "Organizational orientations II: Application in the 'real world' context," 2004.
78. "Machiavellian communication in the workplace: The influences of the Machiavellianism trait in an organizatonal setting," 2004.
79. "Machiavellianism, biological sex, and communication orientations," 2004.
80. "Instructional communication: The historical perspective," 2004.
81. "The BIG THREE and communication traits: Are all communication traits genetically based?" 2004.
82. "To what extent is effective teaching a result of biology rather than learning?" (2005).
83. "The effect of teacher misbehaviors on teacher credibility and affect for teacher," (2005).
84. "Analysis and improvement of the measurement of interpersonal attraction and homophily," (2005).
85. "The relationships of trait learning relevance and teacher communication behaviors with learning outcomes," (2006).
86. "The impacts of sociocommunicative orientation and ethnocentrism on perceptions of stereotypical male and female sociocommunicative styles and perceived sexual equality," (2006).
87. "An analysis of research on nonverbal communication in instruction," (2006).
88. "Reliability and validity of the Generalized Attitude Measure and Generalized Belief Measure," (2006).
89. "Strategies for getting published," (2006).
E. Central States Speech Association
1. "Conceptual and Behavioral Objectives of the Basic Course--And How They Can Be Met," 1969.
2. "The Problem of Communication Anxiety," 1973.
3. "Oral Communication Apprehension: A Case Against Treatment," 1976.
4. "Communication Apprehension: Reconceptualization and a New Look at Measurement," 1981.
5. "Designing a Program to Take the Teaching to the Teachers," 1989.
6. "Approaches to Diversity in Textbook Writing," 1993.
F. Illinois Speech and Theatre Association
1. "Behavioral Approaches to the Teaching of Speech Communication: Toward an Audience Orientation," 1970.
2. "Use of Behavioral Research by the Classroom Teacher," 1971.
G. International Conference on General Semantics
"The Application of Behavioral Research Methods to the study of General Semantics Principles," 1968.
H. Conference of Basic Course Directors of Midwestern Universities
"A Content and Performance Approach to the Basic Course," 1970.
I. Michigan Speech Association
"A Debate Judge Looks at Persuasion," 1967.
J. West Virginia Speech Communication Association
1. "Communication Apprehension: Problems and Solutions," 1974.
2. "Communication Apprehension and Teaching Speech," 1980.
3. "Communication Competence and Performance," 1981.
4. "Recent Research in Communication Apprehension," 1984.
5. "Willingness To Communicate: Recent Findings," 1988.
6. "New Approaches to Persuasion," 1991.
K. Conference of Eastern Basic Communication Course Directors
"Communication Apprehension: An Update," 1976.
L. Texas Speech Association
"The Impact of the Televised 1976 Presidential/Vice
Presidential Debates on Voters in a Swing State," 1977.
M. Speech Communication Association of Pennsylvania
1. "Preparing New Instructors/Graduate Assistants to Teach," 1980.
2. "Why Speech Should Not Be Required in High Schools," 1987.
N. Speech Communication Association of Puerto Rico
1. "The Etiology and Effects of Communication Apprehension: A Cross-Cultural Perspective," 1981.
2. "Communication Apprehension in Puerto Rico and the United States: A Preliminary Report," 1982.
3. "Don't Speak to Me in English: Communication Apprehension in Puerto Rico," 1983.
4. "Communication Apprehension Among Japanese Students in Native and Second Language," 1985.
5. "Intercultural Communication Research: The Beginning, Not the End," (Keynote Address) 1987.
6. "Willingness to Communicate in Puerto Rico," 1992.
7. "On the limited value of single-culture communication theory and research," 1993.
8. "The relationship between nonverbal immediacy and affective learning: A multi-cultural examination," 1994.
9. "Perceived caring as a communication construct: Intercultural, interpersonal, rhetorical, and instructional perspectives," 1996.
10. "The genetic foundations of intercultural communication problems: Are xenophobia and ethnocentrism pan-cultural inheritances?" 1998.
11. "Ethnocentrism and trait communication apprehension as predictors of enterethnic communication apprehension and use of relational maintenance strategies in interethnic communication," 2000.
12. "Culture and communibiology: Research opportunities and limitations," 2001.
13. "The association of perceived communication apprehension, shyness, and verbal aggression with perceptions of source crediblility and affect in organizational and interpersonal contexts," 2002.
14. "Intercultural communiction instruction and student ethnocentrism," 2003.
15. "Communication traits in first and second languages: Puerto Rico," 2005.
O. Fresno Conference on Communication
1. "Shyness: What it Means to be Quiet," 1981.
2. "Back to Basics: Revolution Without Change?" 1981.
P. Professional Association for Retardation
"Inter-Agency Communication," 1982.
Q. Association of Teacher Educators
1. "Power in the Classroom: Two Studies," 1983.
2. "Power in the Classroom: Behavior Alteration Techniques, Teacher Training and Student Learning," 1985
3. "What the Field of Communication Has to Say to the Teacher Educator: Relational Messages in the Classroom," 1986.
4. "Communication and Classroom Management," 1990.
5. "Communication: Overview and Framework," 1993.
6. "Communication: Implications and Reflections," 1993.
7. "Teacher Education Yearbook: Linking Theory to Practice," 1993.
R. West Virginia Association of Teacher Educators
"Power in the Classroom," 1983.
S. American Educational Research Association
1. "The Impact of Communication Apprehension on Teacher Effectiveness," 1980.
2. "Power in the Classroom: Two Studies," 1983.
T. Intercultural Communication Conference on Latin America and the Caribbean
1. "Communication Apprehension: A Review of Research," 1983.
2. "Willingness to Communicate in Puerto Rico," 1992.
3. "The Relationship Between Nonverbal Immediacy and Cognitive Learning: A Multi-Cultural Examination,", 1995.
4. "Ethnocentrism trait measurement: Intercultural communication research instruments", 1998.
U. World Communication Association (Formerly Communication Association of the Pacific)
1. "Oral Communication Apprehension," CAP-Japan, 1983.
2. "Oral Communication Apprehension," CAP-Korea, 1983.
3. "The Debilitating Nature of Communication Apprehension," CAP-Hawaii, 1983.
4. "Willingness to Communicate: Differing Cultural Perspectives," Singapore, 1989.
5. "Willingness to Communicate, Communication Apprehension, Introversion, and Self-Reported Communication Competence: Finnish and American Comparisons," Jyvaskyla, Finland, 1991.
6. "The Impact of Culture on Presumed Individual Differences In Orientations Toward Communication," Pretoria, South Africa, 1993.
7. "Cross-cultural Perspectives on Teacher Nonverbal Immediacy and Student Learning," Vancouver, BC., 1995.
8. "Intercultural communication and student ethnocentrism," Lincoln, NE, 2002.
9. "Problems of intercultural communication in the classroom: International teachers and international students," Stockholm, Sweden, 2003.
V. Southern States Communication Association
1. "Single Scholar Lecture," 1984.
2. "The Role of Interpersonal Communication in the Communication Discipline: Perspective of a Department Chair," 1996.
3. "The Role of Interpersonal Communication in Instruction," 1997.
4. "Measuring Trait Ethnocentrism," 1998.
5. "Applying reciprocity and accommodation theories to organizational communication," 2000.
6. "Making a difference in our communities," 2002.
7. "The effect of teacher temperament on students' perceptions of teacher communication behavior," 2002.
8. "A study of extraversion, neuroticism, BIS, and BAS as predictors of assertive communication traits," 2003.
9. "The association of perceived communication apprehension, shyness, and verbal aggression with perceptions of source credibility and liking in organizational and interpersonal contexts," 2003.
10. "The big three and communication traits: Are all communication traits genetically based?" 2004.
11. "Revisiting McCroskey: A graduate student forum," 2005.
12. "An analysis of research on nonverbal communication in instruction," 2006.
13. "Perceived relationships between rankings and excellence: A perspective of a ranked person," 2006.
W. Society for Caribbean Linguistics
"Communication Apprehension Among Bilingual University Students in Puerto Rico," 1984.
X. Arkansas State University Conference on Nonverbal Communication
"The Relationship Between Selected Immediacy Behaviors and Cognitive Learning," 1986.
Y. Indiana Speech Communication Association
"I Can't, I Won't," (Keynote Address) 1989.
Z. Speech Communication Association of Finland
"Immediacy in Instruction," 1991.
AA. Association for Communication Administration
"Internationalizing the communication discipline: The World Communication Association," 1993
"Improving the position of communication departments in higher education," 1996
BB. Speech Communication Association of New Zealand
"Projections for the future of the communication discipline: Lessons from the past," 1994.
CC. Annual Conference of Phi Beta Delta (the Honor Society for International Scholars)
"The Relationship Between Nonverbal Immediacy and Cognitive and Affective Learning: A Multi-Cultural Examination," 1995.
DD. International Listening Association
"Willingness to Communicate," 1996.
"The Relationship Between Students' Reports of Teacher Clarity and Immediacy and Experiences of State Receiver Apprehension When Learning," 1999.
"Listening Theory, Research, and Pedagogy," 1999.
EE. Annual Conference of the Connecticut Consortium for Enhancing Learning and Teaching
          "Communication apprehension and the classroom," 1998.
FF. Pacific and Asian Communication Association
         "A cross-cultural perspective on communication apprehension," 1996.
         "Inter-ethnic communication apprehension and relational communication," 2000.
         "The Role of Culture in a Communibiological Approach to Communication," 2000.

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Copyright James C. McCroskey, 1995